Below is the list of the key officials in the “Yad Chaim Herzog” Memorial Foundation:

  • Chairman of the public council and member of foundation’s committee – Amnon Meidan
  • Member of foundation’s committee – Ronit Herzog
  • Member of foundation’s committee – Ivy (Aura) Levy Melamed
  • Board member – Lawyer Josh Rosenzveig
  • Board member – Giora Furdes
  • Board member – Yoram Ben Zeev
  • Board member – Lawyer Meir Linzen
  • Board member – Coordinator of the foundation’s activities – Leah Goldberg


Contact us:

  • Foundation’s name: Yad Chaim Herzog Memorial Foundation
  • Address: 58 Joshua Ben Noon Street, Herzliya, Israel
  • Tel: +972-9-9557879
  • Email: |